Prateep Basu is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at SatSure Ltd, a decision analytics startup that is working on solutions to enable technology access for financing sustainable development, as well as food, water and energy security programs globally.
Their geospatial big data platform combines satellite imagery and proprietary algorithms with weather, IoT, drone imagery, social and economic datasets, and cadastral amongst others to generate near real time location specific insights Prateep is a seasoned space industry professional with work experience in both the business and technology front. He completed his studies in aerospace engineering at the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Trivandrum, before moving on to his postgraduate studies in Space Studies at the International Space University. Prateep has worked as a scientist in ISRO, and as a geospatial industry analyst at Boston based Northern Sky Research (NSR), prior to starting SatSure. Prateep was invited to be a TEDx speaker in 2019, and did a talk on how India found its place in the global space race - you can check it out here!