We're very appreciative of your support, and accept donations in Euro (€) currency.
Support our Foundation
Karman Impact Fund
As a non-profit foundation and charitable organisation, The Karman Project relies on the kind support of partners, patrons and sponsors.
In building a common space future, we look to creating and supporting tangible impact. The Karman Impact Fund is supported by agencies and organisations who support the activities, projects and outcomes of The Karman Project. In recognition of their support, Impact Partners gain access to our programs, dialogues and peace-building efforts.

To enable diverse engagement, The Karman Project works with its Impact Partners across a variety of engagements and is open to tailoring support according to the desired impact. All donated funds are distributed in accordance with the Partner's wishes and our Foundation's Bylaws.

The Karman Impact Fund is open to sponsor donations, so if you’d like to have a hand in directly supporting cooperative and impactful projects, we’d love to hear from you!
Sponsorship of Activities
The Karman Project runs various activities which are designed to support the Karman Fellows and the wider international space community. Our main activities include Karman Week (an intensive leadership week designed annually for the Karman Fellows), the Karman Futures Gala Dinner (a gathering key international stakeholders), the Karman Futures Coalition (a series of dialogue engagements focused upon strategic scenario planning) and other community events and projects. We welcome sponsors and donors for all of these activities, and are happy to collaborate!

Karman Peace Patron
Karman Patrons are those who believe in our vision and mission in fostering trust, independent dialogue and cooperation between the ones who are shaping the future of space.

They support us by being a honorary benefactor of Karman Project Foundation, the Karman Fellows’ Commitments, and our cooperative global partnerships and activities.

If you would like to support our foundation, we’d love to hear from you!

Which currency can I support in?
How will my donation be used?
As a non-profit foundation, the Karman Project is accountable towards strict regulations regarding the use of any funds and donations. All funds must be used in accordance with our ByLaws, which outline our key activities pursuant to our foundation's mission and objectives.
Specifically, the Karman Project has various activities which are designed to support the Karman Fellows. These include Karman Week, the Karman Gala Dinner and various Community Events and Projects. We keep our community regularly informed about our activities and engagements. If you would like to make a larger donation or design a more tailored package, please reach out to us and we will be happy to discuss options for you to join us as an Impact Partner or Benefactor of the Karman Project.
Can I make specific requests as to how my donation is used by the Karman Project?
If you would like to make a specific donation or design a more tailored package, please reach out to us and we will be happy to discuss options for you to join us as an Impact Partner or Benefactor of the Karman Project.
Will I get a tax receipt?
Yes, you will receive a charitable tax receipt for income tax purposes. The tax receipt is sent to you as an e-mail attachment to avoid administrative and mailing costs.
Does the Karman Project sell, rent or trade donor information to other agencies?
No, absolutely not. The Karman Project values your support, and we are committed to protecting your privacy. We will not trade or sell your data for commercial use, or use your data in any manner other than in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Other questions?
Should you have any further questions about your donation, please don't hesitate to email us at hello@karmanproject.org. Many thanks for your support!